Configure NFS in Sabayon 5 Linux
1. Configure Server NFS (file /etc/exports)
1.1 NFS options
1.1.1 By access
* ro - The directory is shared read only. The
client machine will not be able to write it. This is the default.
* rw - The client machine will have read and
write access to the directory.
* proto=(tcp|udp) - Mount the NFS filesystem
using a specific network protocol instead of the default TCP protocol
/etc/netconfig. Valid
protocol types are udp and tcp.
* sync - This option allows the NFS server to
violate the NFS protocol and reply to requests before any changes made
by that request
have been committed to stable storage.
* async - Reply to requests only after the
changes have been committed to stable storage.
* no_subtree_check(subtree_check) - If a
subdirectory of a filesystem is exported, but the whole filesystem
isn't then whenever a NFS
request arrives, the server must check
not only that the accessed
file is in the appropriate filesystem but also that it is in the
exported tree.
* no_root_squash - This means that root (uid
0) on the client machine will be mapped to the anonymous UID (uid
65534), commonly
nobody.The result is that root on the
client machine
will not be able to access
anything in the exported entry. The no_root_squash option prevents this
behavior. This options should only
be used for trusted clients.
1.1.2 By address
By IP address
By DNS name
By IP range
1.2 Edit exports file
Edit /etc/exports file and add new line like this.
1.3 Restart NFS daemon
To apply changes in the /etc/exports file you need to restart
NFS daemon.
#/etc/init.d/nfs restart
2. Mount remote file system on client
2.1 First you need to create a local mount point
# mkdir /home/nfs_local
2.2 Mount directory
# mount /home/nfs_local
2.3 Configure automount
You can use your favorite editor and create new line like this
in /etc/fstab: /home/nfs_local nfs defaults 0 0
2.4 You may get error message:
mount.nfs: mount system call failed
ERROR: nfsmount failed to start
For solution you must change previous line (point 2.3) on this
line in /etc/fstab: /home_local nfs proto=udp,defaults 0 0
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